Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome back to 2013

My writing goal is to put full stops in the right place.
My reading goal is to face the book and answer the questions during reading time.
My maths goal is to learn my three times tables and never give up I must keep on trying and trying because I love maths.


  1. To Alex,
    Congratulations on making your first post on your brand new blog. I look forward to seeing all your learning on here during the year. I think you have come up with some great goals Alex and I like that you have a love for maths.
    How do you think you might achieve your writing goal? What might be a good way to make sure you always use full stops in your writing?
    From Mrs Head

  2. Mrs Head, you have been a great teacher, you have taught me alot.
    Now my brain is full of great ideas.Thank you for teaching us
    all, you are the greatest teacher of all.
    by Alex.

  3. To Alex
    It's me Alex wow great work try to keep on making more posts because this post is amazing.
    What times table are you going to work on next?
    From Alex Sok

  4. Hi Alex,

    I love how your writing is getting really good. I especially like the cards you make for me, and the messages inside. The one you gave me yesterday was the best so far.

    Keep up the great work.

    From your Dad

  5. To Alex,
    It is great to see that you are sharing your learning with your family and that your Dad has left you a comment to remind you that he has looked at your blog. We will have to make sure you keep making regular posts so there is new learning to share with your family and they can leave even more messages for you.
    From Mrs Head

  6. Hey Alex.

    You should write a post on all the books you rad at home, so you can share with all your friends all the books you like.

    From your Dad

    1. To Dad,
      Thankyou for all the comments that you have put on my blog because now I have seven and that is a lot of comments. Right now I think I have the most comments in my class. I think I'll be at your place on Wednesday but Felicity will have to sleep in her own bed because she has conjunctivitis.
      From Alex
